Urban Exploring - URBEX
Voyages of discovery to abandoned villages, -coking plants, -power plants, -collieries, -factory areas, -monasteries, -prisons, -barracks, -schools, , -railway stations, old forts, modern ruins etc. etc. .
We capture what is nearly or completely lost in time.
Our explorations also occasionally lead to (industrial) heritage and even industries in service!
We shoot pictures and start chats. We only leave our footprints and take experiences and memories with us home.
Often access is prohibited to the sites we visit.Prohibited because it is private domain or buildings are in dilapidated state.
Enter is not without danger and at our own risk. Before we start our exploration we do an LMRA (Last Minute Risk Analysis)
We do not "tarnish" the environment.
We threat everything with great care without leaving a trace. Respect for the environment is evident for us.
Vandalism we disapprove completely and vandals are not welcome within our circles.
We shoot pictures, leave only our footprints and take our memories with us.
Via the TRAVALOGUES of Rein (Dutch Language) and my IMAGE CHRONICLES you can witness our explorations.
We prefer dry weather, temperature is never a problem
A new theme has been added, inspired by J Meine J (soon more)